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Vientiane Tackles Problem of Sewage Disposal

Source: Vientiane Times

City authorities are tackling the growing problem of sewage treatment, wastewater disposal, and the increasing risk of flooding.

Deputy Director of the Vientiane Public Works and Transport Department, Mr Somchaivang Dethoudom, said a feasibility study for the construction of a sewage treatment plant is underway.

In addition, the Dongbang water treatment plant has been expanded to enable a processing capacity of 24,000 cubic meters/day. Construction began in 2020 and is now fully complete.

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Construction of a sewage treatment system began in January 2023, comprising two main components. The first is the construction of a sewage treatment plant and sewage pipeline, and pump, which is now 42.78 percent complete. The sewage pipeline is 62.98 percent complete and the whole project is now about 65 percent complete.

The treated water will be discharged into Huaymakhiew Lake. Waste sediment will be passed through a filtering system and will then be dried to produce bio-fertilizer for use in farming.

After the completion of the sewage treatment project, sewage from households in Hongkae village will be pumped to the sewage treatment plant in Kham Ngoi village, Xaysettha district, thus resolving the current sewage problem in the area of Hongkae village.

To finish the project by 2025 as planned, several roads and pavements between Huakhua and Nonsavang villages in Xaysettha district are being broken up from May 29 to June 21, when an 80-centimetre pressure pipe will be laid.