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Laos to Exempt Visa Policy for Chinese Travelers

Source: Lao News Agency

The government is about to announce its free-visa policy for Chinese visitors to promote Visit Laos Year 2024, according to Deputy Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Darany Phommavongsa.

The policy will focus on Chinese travelers accompanied by travel agents. Apart from providing free visas for Chinese visitors, the policy will be granted to more international visitors from some target markets such as free visas with multiple entries, and an extension of stay duration from 30 days to 60 days.

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To facilitate traveling by land, the government is improving roads in transit regions and access roads to well-known attractions in Vangvieng of Vientiane Province and Kong of Champassak Province, the deputy minister said in an interview with ASEAN and Chinese media in Vientiane on Jun 24.

The Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICT) has been working with provincial authorities and tourism stakeholders along the Laos-China railway to improve tourist attractions to meet tourism standards and install directional signs of well-known places along the transit routes. This is to help visitors who are traveling in their own cars from the Laos-China borders.

In addition, MICT is also working with private investors to explore and develop more tourist attractions and facilities to accommodate visitors from China.